The drama of our salvation is relived and renewed again this week. Holy Week is not just the days before the BIG Easter Celebration. Holy Week is what makes the Easter Celebration BIG.
I was taught long ago that there is no resurrection without death. Jesus died, plain and simple; and he died for our sins. We cannot mask that or hide that fact. It may seem unpleasant or terse but we will die. The glory of Easter is that Jesus was raised from death by God's power and so are we.
Before we get to the joys and signs of new life like lilies, eggs, butterflies, and bunnies, we must experience the drama and emotion of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Without these Holy Week experiences our Easter observance is little more than a secular holiday.
I hope you will join me and my family as we take the time necessary to experience and appreciate all that God has done for us through the gift and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
This year, will your Easter merely be a one day event?
With you on Grace Avenue,
Billy Echols-Richter