Friday, February 24, 2012

Word on the Street

February 24, 2012

Sometimes the Lenten season is about detours. It is changing our empty routines in order to take in something of God's presence that we may be missing on a regular basis. This is why we are often called to fasting during Lent. The object is not to solely deprive ourselves of food, but rather replace the mindless task of filling our stomachs with a time of spiritual nourishment.

Last week in my message I referenced the beautiful old American Elm which is believed to be the oldest living tree in Frisco. Have you taken a Godly detour to go see it yet? It is located on Maple Street near the intersection of North County Road. Thanks to Dezi Rollins who went to go see it last Sunday afternoon and took this picture:


Like so many experiences in Lent, however, there is nothing like witnessing it firsthand.
What detours are you prepared to take in this Lenten season in order to strengthen your relationship with God?

With you on Grace Avenue,
Billy Echols-Richter

Friday, February 17, 2012

Word on the Street

February 16, 2012

Safety First! This is an expression that we use around our homes, our schools and at our jobs. Now we need to make sure we are applying this adage at church.

Construction has begun in earnest on our new building but with the excitement comes some the need to be extra careful around a construction site that is in the vicinity of our church campus. The two can exist together if we remember a few helpful tips:

We must stay behind the orange fencing at all times. Even when work is not taking place. No one except the workers are allowed in the construction area at any time.
  1. Watch and safeguard your children. Before construction it seemed safe to look away, check your smart phone, or have a conversation while the kids played or "hung out" for a few minutes. This is no longer the case. Be vigilant.
  2. The eastern half of the Circle Drive is now a Construction Entrance during working hours. Large trucks are making deliveries and doing work. Take extra care when driving in the Circle Drive and avoid using it during daylight hours. The exception is Rainbow Corner drop off and pick up which has a short 30 minute window in the morning and afternoon Monday -Thursday.
  3. If you want to get the best and safest view of construction, go upstairs in the Learning Center and look out the Gathering Room or Youth Room Windows. However if a group is meeting in one of those rooms, please do not go in and interrupt their meeting.
  4. Finally, pray for safety; for our workers and for our congregation.
What a great time to say: "Please Pardon Our Mess". The excitement of construction has begun "Because of God's Love".

With you on Grace Avenue,

Billy Echols-Richter

Friday, February 3, 2012

Word on the Street

February 2, 2012

What's on your Bucket List? Literally what would you like to do or experience before you die? A few years ago there was a great movie by this title starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson that explored topic.

So what might be on your list?

A Trip around the World
Attending the Olympics, World Cup or Super Bowl
Meeting your favorite celebrity

How about reading the entire Bible? And what if I told you it could read it in 90 days.

Beginning in March Grace Avenue UMC will be participating in a program called The Bible in 90 Days. It is a reading program whereby you receive a special Bible designed for the task. You read 12 pages from that Bible every day and in 90 days you've covered it all from Genesis to Revelation. There is also a listening option that takes about 1 hour per day. To support this effort there are small groups that meet once a week to share information, ask questions and check-in on the progress being made. At Grace Avenue we plan to have groups that meet in person and others that meet online.

Detailed sign-up info will be out later next week. We begin the first week of March and finish the end of May. It will be great to start in Lent as a spiritual discipline and finish at Pentecost as we celebrate the Holy Spirit's presence in our reading.

By summer you can say I've read the entire Bible cover-to-cover. Are you ready to take on the next great thing on your Bucket List?

Billy Echols-Richter
