Friday, February 3, 2012

Word on the Street

February 2, 2012

What's on your Bucket List? Literally what would you like to do or experience before you die? A few years ago there was a great movie by this title starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson that explored topic.

So what might be on your list?

A Trip around the World
Attending the Olympics, World Cup or Super Bowl
Meeting your favorite celebrity

How about reading the entire Bible? And what if I told you it could read it in 90 days.

Beginning in March Grace Avenue UMC will be participating in a program called The Bible in 90 Days. It is a reading program whereby you receive a special Bible designed for the task. You read 12 pages from that Bible every day and in 90 days you've covered it all from Genesis to Revelation. There is also a listening option that takes about 1 hour per day. To support this effort there are small groups that meet once a week to share information, ask questions and check-in on the progress being made. At Grace Avenue we plan to have groups that meet in person and others that meet online.

Detailed sign-up info will be out later next week. We begin the first week of March and finish the end of May. It will be great to start in Lent as a spiritual discipline and finish at Pentecost as we celebrate the Holy Spirit's presence in our reading.

By summer you can say I've read the entire Bible cover-to-cover. Are you ready to take on the next great thing on your Bucket List?

Billy Echols-Richter


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