Friday, May 4, 2012

Word on the Street

May 4, 2012

I truly appreciate all the congratulations sent my way regarding my 25th anniversary in ordained ministry. I have been so very blessed across the years by the people I've met and the churches I've served. It is especially gratifying to know that I have spent more than half those 25 years here at Grace Avenue.

As I have reflected on my ministry I realized that my life and work has been a "fill in the blank". It has not been "true/false" or "multiple choice", but instead it has been an experience which has been made complete by the hundreds and hundreds of people that have taught me, encouraged me, challenged me and allowed me to serve and be in ministry with them. I cannot begin to describe how wonderfully humbling this all is.

In many respects I feel like the man who was paralyzed and brought to Jesus in Mark 2. When they could not get him through the entrance to the house they cut a hole in the roof and lowered him down. Jesus was amazed by the faith of the paralyzed man's friends and in that moment healing occurred. In much the same way I am a product of people who continually bring me back to Jesus.

Please know how much I appreciate your constant prayers, efforts and love. Because of you my ministry is complete, and full; and yet there is so much more for us to share. Last Sunday night I was signing off from our Bible in 90 Days online session. As I did the thought occurred to me that 25 years ago I could not even imagine an experience such as an online Bible Study.
I wonder what the next 25 years will bring. I look forward to the amazing opportunities God will provide in the future. Thank you again for affording me the privilege of being your pastor.

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