Friday, October 26, 2012

Word on the Street

This past weekend I attended three very different worship experiences. Most weekends I attend four unique worship services at Grace Avenue but this was different in that I did not lead at any of the services I attended. I came away renewed by each experience.

The first worship service was Saturday evening in Ennis, TX. It was the wedding of our Co-Youth Minister Christopher Vaughan and his beautiful bride Caitlin. Often we forget that a marriage ceremony, in the Christian context, is first of all a service of worship. Christopher and Caitlin did not forget. Instead they chose to honor God and begin their life together with prayer and praise. Dr. Jim Moore did a beautiful job of leading the service and the most touching part for me came when we all walked to the front of the sanctuary and were served Holy Communion by the bride and groom.

Sunday morning at 9:09 am (that is the starting time, not the time I arrived just in case you were wondering) I attended a new worship experience at St. Andrew UMC called The Well. It too was prayer and praise but with an ultra contemporary style. Those who led the worship were all in their 20's and their passion for their faith in Jesus was extremely evident. Although different from what I am accustomed to, I felt very much welcomed and in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Rev. Arthur Jones preached a terrific sermon called "Storage Wars: the battle for our hearts" in which he spoke about the passage from Matthew 6:21 which says "where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Yes friends, even the ultra contemporary talk about stewardship and the proper uses of God's resources including money in church. I was blessed by the whole experience.

By 11:00 am I was back home; at Grace Avenue. Here I was blessed to be involved in the baptism of an eight month old child. Then I was able to sit where you sit, sing where you sing and pray where you pray. It was an amazing experience. Joe Stobaugh's sermon from Job about the presence and wisdom of God brought it all together for me.

It reminded me that every week, actually every day, God is worshipped in a variety of styles, languages and places. We would do well to remember that the Lord's Prayer does not begin with the words: "My Father" but rather, "Our Father". I thank God that we can express our love for God in so many ways.
Where and how will you be expressing your love for God this week?

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