Friday, August 24, 2012

Word on the Street

Our friend and brother Tom Graves, who served at Grace Avenue 2007-2009, passed away on Wednesday. His passing, like his life, was peaceful and gentle. His daughter Lauren and close friend Mike were at his side along with the music therapist who was singing a collection of his favorite hymns. He was joyful, faithful and worshipful to the end. It is easy to imagine that his wonderful wife Linda who passed away in 2001, was there as one of the first to greet him as he arrived to his eternal home.

I'm sentimental about Tom. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for him. That's probably because he was never anything but gracious with me from the first time he met me as a freshmen in college to the last time I visited with him a week ago. Last weekend in church we talked about Joseph who the early church renamed Barnabas (Acts 4) because he was an "encourager". Tom Graves was one of the most important Barnabas' in my life.

Late this week I found myself being drawn back to Tom's writings. He was a great author and I, like many of you, are blessed to have the collection of his four published books. In the first chapter of his book; From Sunday Conversations, he talks about his calling into ministry. Tom writes: "The driving force inside my journey as an Ordained United Methodist Minister is the heartfelt conviction that ministry is a privilege, a gift of grace, and the overwhelming sense of gratitude I feel because I have been, and still am, given this privilege."

Tom is not just speaking of ordained ministry. He is speaking about all ministry; the ministry of all believers that is mentioned in II Peter 2: 9-10. Ministry (Gathering, Growing, Going and Giving in the name of Christ) is a privilege. This is Tom's legacy. Now it is our calling.

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