Friday, September 14, 2012

Word on the Street

The signs of growth are everywhere at Grace Avenue. Our beautiful new building is a constant reminder that things are changing. In the last four weeks we have received 51 new members to our congregation. At our last Discipleship Council meeting it was confirmed that we would move from four to six worship services in 2013 once the new building is finished and the current Worship Center is renovated. New Bible studies and increased mission opportunities are springing up everywhere and right around the corner our Pumpkins on the Prairie will celebrate its 10th anniversary.

The companion to this kind of growth is also the addition of new staff members. The Staff-Parish Relations Committee of our church has been working for almost a year to prepare for these important new additions. I would like you to help me in welcoming these newest staff members to Grace Avenue UMC.

Bill Ball is joining our staff as the Adult Minister. Bill is currently a first year seminary student at Perkins School of Theology and will be working on our staff part-time. He has experience in a variety of great churches including Tarrytown UMC in Austin, Highland Park UMC in Dallas and Suncreek UMC in Allen. Bill is a graduate of Centenary College and has a masters from SMU. Bill has a son who is in the third grade. Bill will be working to coordinate aspects of our GROW ministries as they relate to adults. This includes Adult Sunday School classes, Bible Studies, small groups and other adult education opportunities. Bill started at Grace Avenue September 4.

The Rev. Joe Stobaugh is joining the Grace Avenue staff as the Minister of Worship and Arts. Joe is a graduate of University of North Texas and Perkins School of Theology at SMU. He is an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church and is currently serving at Argyle UMC. Joe is married to Sarah Stobaugh and has two children who are in PreK and 2nd grade. Joe will be working to design and oversee the six worship services that I mentioned above. He will be working with a variety of groups and ensembles including vocal groups, instrumental groups and worship implementation groups. Joe will begin working at Grace Avenue on October 8.

I am asking you to do two very important things as these changes occur: 
  1. Please pray for our new staff members and welcome them in the wonderful spirit of Grace Avenue.
  2. Please take time to say thank you to our current staff who continue to do a fantastic job of helping us fulfill our mission to "make disciples and make a difference through Jesus Christ." They continue to lead us as we move into the future of Grace Avenue.

As we move into this new era of the church, the SPRC will continue to examine and fulfill future staffing needs. I am grateful for these wonderful new additions, but most importantly to be part of such a great church.

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