Saturday, April 9, 2011

Because of God's Love - Here Come the Brides (and the Grooms)

Saturday April 9, 2011

Many of you know my daughter is getting married in May.  I have witnessed firsthand the planning and decision making that is involved in a wedding.  We conduct very few wedding ceremonies currently at Grace Avenue.  Some of it is because we have a Saturday evening worship service, but also we know our worship facility is not formal enough to attract couples looking to be married in a church setting.  In today’s New Building DYK we’ll see how all that can change with the building of this new facility.  Thanks, BER

Scripture of Day

Proverbs 16:9
 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

We are asking everyone to complete the phrase Because of God’s Love…
Responses from our congregation
            I am a better dad for my girls.
            I am a better mom and daughter.
            I have a wonderful family and a great Christian life.
            I am a blessed, loved person with a wonderful life.
            We are able to live and have loving families.
            My family is loving, fun, helpful, healthy and safe.
And today’s special BGL…:

Because of God’s Love…
I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 6.

What will you be today Because of God’s Love…

New Building DYK
1.    The new building will include a formal worship space that will be well suited for weddings including a center aisle.
2.    The new building will include a beautifully appointed Bride’s Room.
3.    The new building will allow for us to have weddings on Saturday evenings without interrupting the regular Saturday evening worship service.
4.    The new building will allow us to create a whole new ministry around Christian Weddings including the ceremony as well as preparing for marriage classes and counseling sessions.
BOTTOM LINE:  Many of our children and grandchildren will want to get married in their church home.  This beautiful space provides for that, but it also allows us to create an outreach ministry to those getting married who do not have a church home.  Like many of our other programs, our wedding ministry, may be the entry point for a couple to become faithful disciples of Christ through our church.

Prayer of the Day
Majestic God, you are the source of all our days especially the important ones.  May we keep you at the center of every celebration and at the heart of every blessed event.  To your honor and glory, AMEN.

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