Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Because of God's Love - For to Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

Wednesday April 6, 2011

Making provision for the children among us is an important part of a church’s ministry. We are blessed at Grace Avenue to have so many young children and we take seriously our responsibility to care for them.  In today’s New Building DYK we look at new space that is being designed for pre-school children.  Thanks, BER

Scripture of Day

Luke 18: 15-17
People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.  But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

We are asking everyone to complete the phrase Because of God’s Love…
Responses from our congregation
            I am here & blessed with a wonderful and loving family.
            I have been blessed - family, friends, health and peace knowing I am loved.
            I am free to give and love.
My imperfections are forgiven.

I find peace.
And today’s special BGL…:

Because of God’s Love…
God takes me through the wilderness and troubled times and guides me thru to show me that he does have a plan for me.

What will you be today Because of God’s Love…

New Building DYK
1.      There were 63 children baptized at Grace Avenue in 2010.
2.      On any given weekend at church we average 120 children in our nurseries.
3.      Our weekday preschool called Rainbow Corner has an enrollment of 160 students.
4.      Our weekday Kids Day Out program has an enrollment of 32 infants and toddlers.
5.      In the new building two more large preschool rooms are planned.  They will be used for nursery and Sunday School on the weekends and for Rainbow Corner during the week.
6.      In the new building a new children’s check-in area is planned along with a new office for the preschool directors.
 BOTTOM LINE:  Our children are precious.  We want space for them at church where they can be safe, secure and well cared for.  In addition there are more children in our community that need to be served by our wonderful children’s ministry.  We build these spaces so that our children can encounter the love of Christ.   Otherwise we are like the Disciples who wanted to chase the children (and their parents) away.

Prayer of the Day
Loving God, you have blessed us with the opportunity to be called your children. May we approach our lives with the faith of a little child. Through Christ Jesus, AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Billy ! You're blogging ! who would have thunk it? !
